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The Leading Online Horse Market

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Livestock Depot Refund Policy

Livestock Depot cannot provide a refund for any reason other than a duplicate (or overlapping) charge for an ad. For example, we cannot provide a refund if you change your mind about the Ad, or its content or enhancements, or if you have made mistakes in submitting the Ad, or if you have not received any inquiries or offers to purchase the item through Livestock Depot, or if the item has already been sold through other means. We also cannot provide a refund if you have made mistakes in the content of the Ad (you can review your ad before purchasing and edit it afterward). In any case where it is determined by Livestock Depot that Livestock Depot has made a mistake, we will of course make appropriate corrections to the Ad.

If you made mistakes in submitting an Ad directly with Livestock Depot, you are able to edit the ad through our online editing tools. If you wish to change to a less expensive Ad, however, Livestock Depot cannot provide any refund or credit.

Your credit card will show a charge to Livestock Depot, LLC. Please do not contact your credit card company and file a "chargeback" for the purpose of receiving a refund for an ad you have placed. Because our website is continually being updated to enhance features, correct a bug, or otherwise, please contact us if you should have a question about the charge by Livestock Depot, LLC on your credit card statement. Please fill out our Online Support Form...we monitor that daily.

Identifying Scams and Fraudulent Transactions

If you plan to use the Internet to rent, buy or sell, you have to be aware of some of the dangers. You need to make sure that you use common-sense, do-good research on potential buyers and have a good line of communication. Dealing locally, where you can see the other party face-to-face, is always best. There are a few things to look out for as shown below. You can also check out some Sample Scam Emails.

Inability or refusal to meet face-to-face before consummating transaction - Seller might ask only for the shipping fee. This looks like a great deal, but most times you'll send the fee and never see the animal or item.

Use Common Sense - If a potential buyer seems too good to be true, isn't worried about shipping costs or the price of an animal or item, which can be a warning sign. Don't fall in love with a buyer just because they are willing to pay top dollar. Offering more than the asking price is also a common scam tactic.

Watch for International Buyers - Buyers wanting to purchase items or animals from international locations (not locally) are usually not actually interested in the item. Shipping anything is expensive.

Watch for International Sellers - Sellers wanting to send you their item or animal from international locations (not locally) are usually not going to send the item. Shipping anything is expensive. They will notify you that the item has shipped (even though you didn't purchase it). Sometimes their price will be very, very low, so you can't refuse. You'll then be asked to pay their shipping company (a fraud) with your good money. They never ship the item or animal, and you are out the money.

Study the information in the ad - Be suspicious if there is a trailer ad listed in the livestock or tack section. Or, if there is an email address in the description of the ad, or on a picture. Also check the city and make sure that it is actually in the state shown for the listing (and check the zip code to see if it matches the state/locale). Another tip-off to a scam could be the picture in the ad. If it is in Phoenix but shows trees/vegetation from the eastern US, be suspicious. Lastly, if the price is very low, and it’s too good to be true, it probably is!!

eBay and eBay Motors - Sellers wanting you to send money to eBay, or use eBay motors, is a big red flag. eBay doesn't handle transactions for items that are sold on other websites. So, if you are asked to send eBay money to purchase something from our site, please report it to us and don't send the money! Here's a link to the eBay Motors scam alert page: https://pages.motors.ebay.com/buy/security/index.html

Phishing Scam - Be aware of receiving an email or text message asking you to provide your account login information by going to a website or emailing it. We'll never ask you to provide your information for any reason. Sometimes these phishing requests can seem legitimate (like to reactivate your account). Please don't provide login information to anyone. Here's an example of a phishing text message you might receive. Please don't click on the link, it will take you to a website that is not owned by us. Your login information will be captured by the scammer:

Verification Code Scam - Be aware of receiving an email or text message from a person asking you to receive a code via text message and then give them the code. Our system requires verification of a phone number to place an ad, and this person is using your phone to get the code and verify their fake account so they can place a scam ad. Please don't provide them with the code.

Western Union or Money Gram Payments - Nothing against Western Union, but it’s just not prudent to use this service when buying something online. If you visit the ⦁ Western Union website, it clearly states that Western Union is *NOT* to be used for sending money to people you don't know:

⦁ The Western Union Money Transfer service is a great way to send money to people you know and trust. If you need to send money to someone you don't know well, you may be putting yourself at risk for fraud.

Because we care about consumers, Western Union urges you to protect yourself from fraud by considering the following:

⦁ Never send money to a stranger using a money transfer service.

⦁ Beware of deals or opportunities that seem too good to be true.

⦁ Don't use money transfer services to pay for things like online auction purchases.

⦁ Never send money to pay for taxes or fees on foreign lottery winnings.

⦁ Never send a money transfer, in the name of a friend or relative, with the intention of changing the name to someone you have not met personally.

⦁ Never send a money transfer, in the name of a friend or relative, in order to delay payment of the transaction to someone you have not met personally.

⦁ If you think you've been a victim of fraud, please contact us by filling out a ticket in our Support area.

⦁ In this scam the seller tells the buyer to send the money via Western Union, the seller then asks for the Western Union MTCN # or the money transfer number (this is basically a number that gives the scammer access to the money). Once the scammer has the MTCN or money transfer number, he/she can pick up the money at any Western Union worldwide and disappear. The buyer has paid, but the item that was paid for will never be sent.

Google Checkout - We've received reports of person(s) using fake Google Checkout papers and/or website to accept payments. This is typically used for a trailer "sale” but could be for anything. Please be aware of this scam, and check out more details about how to prevent being scammed on ⦁ Google Checkout's Security Center

Generic First Contact E-mail - Many scammers will send out lots of e-mails to various sellers trying to find one that might be a potential target. When they do this, they often write a form e-mail that could apply to any ad. An example might say something like: "I saw your [item] for sale online and am very interested. Please contact me." Communication that could apply to anything for sale during the first contact can be a tipoff to a scam.

809 Area Code - There have been phone scams related to this area code. Be cautious if you are contacted by someone and asked to call a number with an 809-area code. You can ⦁ read more here or Google that topic for more information.

Cashier’s Check Payments - Buyers not willing to pay in cash may be scamming you with fraudulent cashier’s checks or money orders. If you receive a check/money order that looks real, remember that computers can print almost anything these days.

Pressure Tactics - If a buyer seems in a rush or wants to speed up a transaction / shipping, be careful. They may just be interested in scamming you before you realize that the transaction is fraudulent.

Financial Information - You should never give out your financial information. Asking for bank account info in order to wire funds or other personal information is a sign of a scam.

First contact via phone - You are much better off with a buyer if they contact you via phone on the first contact. Online and e-mail solicitations are easy to do, but phone calls are not an efficient means of communication for scammers.

To protect yourselves and others against this type of activity, it is important to try and obtain as much information about the buyer as possible. If you suspect the buyer may be involved in this or similar scams, please forward any information you can obtain to the following organizations:

For U.S. complaints use the Federal Trade Commission Consumer Complaint Form.

You may also forward suspected scam email directly to: uce@ftc.gov

  • Internet Fraud Complaint Center
  • Fraud Tips from the IFCC
  • Internet Crime Schemes
  • For Canadian Complaints contact the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


    These Seller User Terms (these "Seller Terms") govern your access to and use of our Services as a Seller. The Services can be accessed through http://www.livestockdepotllc.com/ . These Seller Terms shall be incorporated into the Terms of Use for AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market located here Terms of Use, and are collectively referred to herein as the "Terms." All terms used (including capitalized terms) and not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Terms of Use for AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market.

    Seller Registration and Account Approval

    Your account must be registered with and approved by us, in our sole discretion, before you can use our Services as a Seller.

    Listed Item(s) and Auctions

    You acknowledge and agree to the following:

    ⦁ You are solely responsible for any Listed Item(s) that you place for auction using our Services.

    ⦁ You agree to fully, completely, and accurately disclose all information relating to your Listed Item(s), including but not limited to, brand or breed name or other indication of origin or manufacture, or breed or pedigree, or certification, and you shall be responsible for any such inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.

    ⦁ You will not list any Listed Item(s) through our Services that are illegal to use, possess, auction or sell under any applicable law, rule or regulation.

    ⦁ Listed Item(s) will not contain links to or a description of other items that you may have for sale outside of our Services.

    ⦁ Any Listed Item(s) that are not sold upon completion of an auction may be treated as withdrawn from our Services, and if you wish to re-list such Listed Item(s), you must pay us our then-current fees and expenses for such Listed Item(s) as though they were new Listed Item(s).

    ⦁ Listed Item(s) must be actual items and not mere examples of items. Only one Listed Item (with multiple quantities, if applicable) can appear on each listing.

    ⦁ You may have an option to set the opening bid price as a reserve depending on the Site.

    ⦁ You will make the Listed Item(s) available to the highest bidder in accordance with the Terms and any User Posted Terms (as defined below) that you may include with your Listed Item as set forth in Section 4 below; and

    ⦁ We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to: (I) refuse to allow any item to be listed, at any time and for any reason; (ii) withdraw any Listed Item(s) from our Services; (iii) review and verify a Listed Item’s information and description; (iv) amend the information in a Listed Item; or (v) cancel any proposed bid for Listed Item(s) that we deem to be suspicious or fraudulent and report such bid to applicable authorities.

    Seller Confirmation of Listed Item(s)

    You are responsible for reviewing the categorization and description of your Listed Item(s) to ensure the items are categorized and described accurately. While we do our best to assist Sellers with posting correct information, you are responsible for reviewing and ensuring that any content displayed on our Services appears as you intended. We take no responsibility for Listed Item(s) that are mis-listed or mis-categorized.

    User Posted Terms

    You may post additional terms and conditions of sale for your Listed Item(s) ("User Posted Terms"). User Posted Terms are between you and a Bidder and are separate from these Seller Terms. You are solely responsible for creating, reviewing, and understanding any User Posted Terms prior to placing such terms with your Listed Item(s). We do not prepare, review, negotiate, or enforce any User Posted Terms. We do not represent or guarantee that any User Posted Terms will be enforceable against a Bidder.

    Listed Item(s) Usage

    You represent that once a Listed Item is placed for auction using our Services, it will not, unless otherwise expressly disclosed within the listing, be operated, leased, rented, modified, or altered until completion of the auction, and if sold to a Bidder, until the Listed Item(s) is removed from its location by or on behalf of the Bidder.


    You are solely responsible for making full disclosure to Bidders of any and all Encumbrances and third-party interests that may exist on or pertain to Listed Item(s). You will, at your own expense, warrant and defend title to Listed Item(s) on behalf of the Bidder, its successors and assigns, against the claims and demands of all persons. If required, you shall be responsible for the payment of any independent appraisals and documentation fees required to release such Encumbrances and third-party interests.

    Buyback and Price Manipulation

    You shall not bid or make an offer, directly or indirectly, nor allow any other person to bid or make an offer on your behalf, by agency or otherwise, on your Listed Item(s) or any part of your auctions. In the event of price manipulation or a buyback, we may, in our sole discretion, ban you from future use of our Services.

    Our Fees

    You agree to pay us our then-current fees for your use of our Services. Please contact your Sandhills representative for more information regarding current fees applicable to our Services. For an additional fee, you may purchase additional advertising. All fees paid to us are non-refundable.


    We reserve the right to refuse hypertext links to, or addresses of, other websites and to remove hypertext links or web addresses without notice at our sole discretion.


    To the extent you are only auctioning a Listed Item online, our Services shall be the exclusive listing for that Listed Item and you shall not offer for sale or sell the Listed Item in any other manner until the earlier of (a) the date the Listed Item is auctioned through our Services; (b) the date you withdraw the Listed Item from our Services as permitted herein; or (c) the date on which the auction with the Listed Item expires.

    Search Results

    We cannot guarantee that your Listed Item(s) will appear in any specific order in search results on our Sites and Services. Search order results will fluctuate based on the search options used, including but not limited to, price and auction end time.

    Representations and Warranties

    ⦁ You represent and warrant that any Listed Item(s) placed by you:

    ⦁ are owned by you, or you have the legal right and authority to sell such Listed Item(s) on behalf of the legal owner.

    ⦁ are free and clear of any and all registered and unregistered liens, security interests, tax or duty obligations or other encumbrances or contrary claims whatsoever, except as expressly disclosed by you within the applicable listing (the "Encumbrances").

    ⦁ are in good operating condition, free of material defects, except as disclosed by you within the applicable listing.

    ⦁ have not been modified or tampered with in any manner that would be contrary to applicable legislation or misleading to a Bidder, including, but not limited to, tampering with emission control devices.

    ⦁ have not been fraudulently obtained and are not stolen or counterfeit.

    ⦁ only include descriptions, pictures and videos that are accurate.

    ⦁ in the case of all motor vehicle equipment, have never been re-built, salvaged or glide red except as expressly disclosed by you within the applicable listing(s).

    ⦁ include a description of all applicable odometer and hour meters that reflect actual mileage or usage unless otherwise expressly disclosed by you within the applicable listing(s); and

    ⦁ include any and all legally required disclosures that may be applicable to the auction and/or sale of the Listed Item(s) to a Bidder.

    ⦁ You further represent and warrant that:

    ⦁ you are solvent and have not made, nor are you aware of, any assignment, proposal or other proceeding for the benefit of your creditors.

    ⦁ the offering for sale, advertising and sale of the Listed Item(s) will not contravene or infringe upon any patent, copyright, trademark, agreement or similar right of any third party.

    ⦁ you are duly authorized to complete and provide all listing information for Listed Item(s).

    ⦁ any User Posted Terms for your Listed Item(s) are legal and do not violate any applicable laws, rules, regulations; and

    ⦁ as a Seller, you are an authorized dealer and/or auctioneer and/or a livestock, animal, fowl, or poultry producer, farmer, or rancher and have and shall maintain all applicable and necessary licenses, permits, permissions and authorizations to place Listed Item(s) for sale and conduct auctions using our Services.

    No Guarantee to Proceeds

    We do not guarantee that Bidders will bid on Listed Item(s), that you will be able to sell Listed Item(s) using our Services, or that you will be able to collect the purchase price from a Bidder who has a winning bid for Listed Item(s).

    Purchase and Sale of Listed Item(s)

    The actual purchase and sale of Listed Item(s) following an auction, is and shall remain the sole responsibility of the Seller who placed the Listed Item(s) for auction and the Bidder who had the winning bid. If you are the Seller, you must coordinate the purchase and sale of the Listed Item(s) directly with the Bidder who is the winning bidder for the Listed Item(s). You assume all risk and liability associated with any agreement(s) you enter into with the Bidder. We are not a party to, and do not facilitate, the purchase and sale of any Listed Item(s).

    We are not in the business of the selling or buying of any Listed Item(s) on a commission basis. We do not take any Listed Item(s) on consignment. All transactions and the terms of any agreements that may occur between the Seller who placed the Listed Item(s) for auction and the Bidder who had the winning bid are determined solely through interaction and agreement between the Seller who placed the Listed Item(s) for auction and the Bidder who had the winning bid. We are not acting as an employee, agent, representative, broker, dealer, marketing agency, or marketing agent of the Seller who place the Listed Item(s) for auction or the Bidder who is the winning bidder of the Listed Item(s) or for any user of our Site or Services. We do not produce, handle, hold, ship, feed, process, distribute, transport, deliver, or take possession of any Listed Item(s) at any time.

    We do not collect, handle or remit any money, payments, checkoff fees, receivables or proceeds from any transaction that may occur between the Seller who places livestock, poultry, or any other animals for auction and the Bidder who had the winning bid for livestock, poultry or any other animals or for transactions which may occur between any users of our Site or Services concerning the sale or purchase of livestock, poultry, or any other animals. We are not registered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Packers and Stockyards Program, pursuant to the provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, as amended and supplemented (7 U.S.C. 181 et seq.). We are not bonded for the protection of the Seller who placed the Listed Item(s) for auction or for the protection of the Bidder who had the winning bid or for the protection of any user of our Site or Services.

    Additional Seller Indemnity

    In addition to the indemnification provisions set forth in the Terms of Use For AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any and all damages, costs, claims or liability (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or resulting from (I) any breach of your representations, warranties or covenants set out in these Seller Terms; (ii) hazardous materials associated with Listed Item(s) or contamination resulting from any leakage, spills, or malfunction of Listed Item(s); (iii) deficiencies in the provision of documents required for the purpose of titling or registering any part of the Listed Item(s) by any Bidder thereof; (iv) taxes or customs duties or check off fees payable in respect of, the Listed Item(s) or any part thereof; (v) deficiency in compliance with any applicable environmental rules or regulations related to the Listed Item(s); (vii) any deficiency in compliance with any laws, rules or regulations concerning consumer protection, privacy, or taxes related to your use of our Services and any transactions with other users; (viii) deficiency in compliance with any applicable manufacturer or government restrictions related to Listed Item(s); (ix) any deficiency in compliance with any local, state, federal, and international laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations licensing requirements/laws, reporting requirements/laws, bonding requirements/laws, import/export laws, customs requirements/laws, health requirements/laws, certification requirements/laws, nutrition requirements/laws, checkoff fee requirements/laws, production requirements/laws, and animal vaccinations requirements/laws applicable to the buying and selling, advertising, labeling, health, safety, care, production, feeding, watering, handling, holding, transport, shipping, delivery, receipt, and import/export of livestock, poultry, or any other animals including but not limited to cattle, bison, livestock, mules, asses, burros, sheep, swine, hogs, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese or any other kinds of bovine or equine species or any other types of domestic fowl or poultry or any other types of specialty or alternative livestock; and (x) your User Posted Terms.


    In the event of a conflict between the provisions set forth in these Seller Terms (including the additional AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market Terms and Conditions for the sale and purchase of livestock, poultry, or any other animals set forth below) and the Terms of Use For AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market, the Terms of Use For AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market shall prevail.

    ⦁ Additional AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market Terms and Conditions for the sale and purchase of livestock, poultry, or any other animals

    The following AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market Terms and Conditions (collectively, the “AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, and Equine Market Terms”) apply to Sellers who use our Services to sell livestock, poultry, or any other type of animals on AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, or Equine Market, including those users who place Listed Item(s) and conduct online auctions through https://www.auctiontime.com, https://www.equipmentfacts.com, https://www.Livestock Market.com, and https://www.Equine Market.com. When you access and use our Services on AuctionTime, Equipment facts, Livestock Market, or Equine Market to sell livestock, poultry, or any other type of animals, you also agree to the following (each of which shall be incorporated into these Seller Terms):

    Listed Item(s) and Auctions

    You also acknowledge and agree to the following:

    ⦁ You agree to fully, completely, and accurately disclose all information relating to your Listed Item(s), including but not limited to title, weight, size, color, type, number, quality, storage, care, feeding, verification, certification, branding, condition, sex, soundness, safety, health, nutrition or nutritional value, behavior, personality, mental health, mental condition or soundness, physical appearance, ability, age, pedigree, authenticity of pedigrees, bloodlines, breed registration or qualification for breed registration, physical performance and ability, behavioral performance and willingness to perform, genetic performance, training, breeding ability and status, showing ability, racing ability, jumping ability, reining and cutting ability, dressage ability, ranching and herding ability, and fertility, and you shall be responsible for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions.

    Additional Representations and Warranties

    You also represent and warrant that any Listed Item(s) placed by you:

    ⦁ are in good mental and physical health and nutrition, and are free of all injury and illness, except as disclosed by you within the applicable listing.

    ⦁ are mentally, physically, and behaviorally sound, except as disclosed by you within the applicable listing; and

    ⦁ has the willingness and ability to perform, except as disclosed by you within the applicable listing.