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The Leading Online Horse Market

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The sale of livestock as a premium seller offers many advantages, such as an extensive statistical evaluation, an unlimited duration of your advertisements as well as a personal and equestrian-experienced service. When selling your livestock, you can enter breed, type, suitability, sex, price, and many other characteristics for the livestock for sale and offer them to interested people. Thus, the livestock can be conveniently presented in our livestock market according to previously defined characteristics, same for the purchase of livestock. Here you can filter to the required characteristics, so that you find livestock with your completely personal conceptions.

There is also a livestock market for breeding livestock, which is specifically for breeders. Here it is possible to buy livestock with a view to registered broodmares and licensed stallions and furthermore to find a stallion which can be claimed by paying a stud fee. The livestock for sale are offered by private livestock owners as well as by studs, breeders, riding, and training stables who have the necessary experience in the livestock trade.

The livestock market offers sellers the opportunity to find interested people for livestock sales worldwide. Owners, who are looking for a suitable customer, can offer their livestock with an advertisement for the sales and place thereby arbitrarily many announcements. In order to increase the sales chances, we recommend arranging the livestock advertisement as meaningful as possible. All important information about the livestock should be provided, starting with the basic data and characteristics such as age, breed, sex, suitability, color and size. A description of the ancestry is just as important as information on the level of training, on possible successes or on the interior.

With the right advertisement and with Livestock Depot as your partner, you will make a successful livestock sale.